Friday, July 31, 2009

Making a Splash

Swim lessons this year was a BIG hit for Rachel and Ella. We enrolled the girls in private lessons at a home nearby us and it was wonderful to have their lesson so close to home, plus small class sizes. Every morning the girls would wake up, get their swimsuit on first things and eagerly wait for the lessons to start. Both of them were little fishes and weren’t afraid to put their heads under the water at all. It was Ella’s first experience at swim lessons and it was amazing to see how much she learned so quickly. Rachel did a great job too. Ella did have a bit of a scary moment when she was playing around at free time and drifted towards the deep end and couldn’t bop back up to the surface of the water for several breaths. Her Dad luckily enough was watching and ended up jumping in(clothes, shoes, cellphone and all) to rescue our little Ella who was in trouble but didn’t know it cause she told her dad he shouldn’t jump into the water with his clothes on, teacher said ! 

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