Friday, July 31, 2009

Family Reunion Time

Every summer we get together with our extended family on both sides of the family.
Ken is the baby of six children and I am the oldest of six children, which means our family reunion get together’s are large in number and last the whole day long. This year the at the Otten Reunion our day started off with a delicious breakfast, followed by games for the kids, a family history lesson, crafts, lunch and ended with swimming. It was great to see everyone and have a moment to visit with one another. The Albrechtsen Family Reunion is always held at the Farmington park . Everyone brings something for lunch and after we eat and visit we have a family raffle and then go for a family swim. This year one of Ken’s cousins fixed up Great Grandpa Albrechtsen’s old tractor and brought is up for everyone to see and sit on. The kids loved taking a turn in the driver’s seat. The blessing of being a part of a big family is a gift. We feel so blessed to come from a great heritage. I pray we can give honor to those who have gone before by living respectable lives that are full of service to others. We have a lot to live up to in there great examples.

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