Ken's business training was in Washington D.C. this year, so lucky me I got to tag along and what a wonderful experience it was. There were many, many wonderful sites that we visited that it is hard to say which one was a favorite. Arlington Cemetery and Mount Vernon were definitely highlights. I loved the whole experience and want to go back. It was just simply amazing being there and even better spending it with my sweet hubby. One other perk of the trip was attending several yoga classes while Ken was in training, which was the icing on cake for me. I also had the choice opportunity to meet up with my college roommate Monica Dupaix and visit with her family. She has always been a shining example to me and that still remains true as I was able to see how she and her husband Joe are raising their family in the gospel. What a blessing it was to meet up with her. We had a great time together going to the temple, dinner and visiting some of the sites in Downtown Washington. What an incredible trip that was for both of us, one that will never be forgotten.